Deadline to register or change party affiliation for Presidential Preference Primary
Start Date/Time:
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
End Date/Time:
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Recurring Event:
One time event
Normal Priority

Visit to register to vote or change party affiliation for Presidential Preference Primary Election. The voter registration application can be completed online or printed and returned to our office.It must be received or postmarked by the book closing deadline to be a valid registration or party change for this election.  

F.S. 97.055 Registration books; when closed for an election.—

(1)(a) The registration books must be closed on the 29th day before each election and must remain closed until after that election. If an election is called and there are fewer than 29 days before that election, the registration books must be closed immediately.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c), when the registration books are closed for an election, updates to a voter’s name, address, and signature pursuant to ss. 98.077 and 101.045 shall be the only changes permitted for purposes of the upcoming election. New voter registration applications must be accepted but only for the purpose of subsequent elections.

(c) When the registration books are closed for an upcoming election, an update or change to a voter’s party affiliation made pursuant to s. 97.1031 shall be permitted for that upcoming election unless such election is for the purpose of nominating a political party nominee, in which case the update or change shall be permitted only for the purpose of subsequent elections.

(2) In computing the 29-day period for the closing of the registration books, the day of the election is excluded and all other days are included. If the 29th day preceding an election falls on a Sunday or a legal holiday, the registration books must be closed on the next day that is not a Sunday or a legal holiday.

Owned by Cierra Fackler On Wednesday, February 7, 2024